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Statement - Creake Road Cemetery

Statement - Creake Road Cemetery

19 Apr 2024

Creake Road Cemetery 

Many people will have seen articles in the press or on social media around letters sent regarding items on graves at Creake Road Cemetery.  We are disappointed that the media chose not to use the information and statements given by the council.  

We understand the importance for visitors to express their grief and mourn loved ones. It is not our intention to cause anyone upset or distress and the council sincerely apologises if it has.  

We had placed general reminders over the last 7 months at the site, accompanied by articles online and in local press. As a result of our requests, many people have removed items of their own accord. Unfortunately, this messaging doesn’t appear to have reached everyone.  However, rather than removing items that have sentimental value to families as many councils do, which causes distress, we wanted to ensure families had the chance to remove items themselves. So, we wrote to the last known contacts, the owners of the Exclusive Right of Burial.  We would like to assure families who have reported items being moved or missing from graves, that this has not been done by the council. 

All local councils have a duty of care towards the visitors and anyone working at the  cemetery, to make sure it is safe. Creake Road cemetery, along with every other cemetery in the country, has rules, which have been in place for many years. Families are given a set of these rules at the time of arranging a funeral. And of course, we completely understand that it is hard to take in such detail at a time of distress. As a result, we will endeavour to make sure that in future it’s much easier to understand what can be brought onto site.

Many people do not consider items on a grave an issue, but the council has no choice but to look at the risks posed by them. Small fences and edging can cause trip hazards especially for those with less mobility. Glass, plastics, ceramics, pottery etc are easily breakable and spread to the walkways between graves, especially after being out in the elements. Pebbles and other small items become dangerous projectiles, if a mower or strimmer catches them. We ask that people use suitable containers (unbreakable) like marble or stone, placed so that they don’t cause a risk. 

Most complaints surrounding the cemetery relate to maintenance, or lack of. Our contractors or staff do their best to carry out maintenance work with due respect to the area. However, they will avoid any areas that present a risk to them or their equipment. Maintaining the site does mean that strimmers or mowers do cut the grass over graves. All maintenance work completed on site and especially over or next to graves should be carried out discreetly and sensitively. In situations where this is not the case, we would ask that you report it to us as soon as possible.  

We are currently treating reports of large areas of grass being weed killed as a deliberate act of vandalism. We can assure you that this was not done by us or our contractors. If anyone has any information relating to this matter, please contact us or Norfolk Police.

Fakenham Connect, Oak Street, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 9DY 

Tel: 01328 853653 



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