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Abnormal Load Movements - FAQs

Abnormal Load Movements - FAQs

9 Feb 2024

Hornsea Project Three FAQs - Abnormal Load Movements 


February 2024: 

  • Question 1.16 updated 

  • Question 1.19 added. 

1. Abnormal Load Deliveries 

1.1. What abnormal load deliveries will you be making? 

Our deliveries are up to 50t in weight and 4.5m in diameter 

1.2. Why are these deliveries required? 

We require large essential construction equipment for the construction of Hornsea Project Three  that will be delivered from overseas. 

1.3. What are the hours that the abnormal loads are allowed to travel? 

Each abnormal load movement is dictated by the project Construction Traffic Management Plan  (CTMP) and the police. 

Abnormal loads will be allowed to travel throughout the day however will only be able to access the  Oulton compound or the cable route sites during our core working hours: Monday to Friday: 7am – 6pm and Saturday: 7am – 1pm. 

1.4. What are the biggest abnormal loads? 

The largest deliveries will be 4.5m wide.


1.5. How fast do the abnormal loads travel? 

All vehicles transporting the abnormal loads will be travelling in compliance with highway  regulations for vehicles of this size. 

1.6. How big are the Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) transporting the abnormal loads? 

The abnormal loads will be transported by standard size HGV on larger roads or tractors when  accessing smaller local roads. 

1.7. Are the abnormal loads police escorted and are road users behind the loads required to  wait for permission to overtake? 

The loads will be under a police escort if specifically requested by the police.  The escort will be looking for regular and safe areas for the HGV to pull in and allow traffic to pass. 

1.8. Will escorts to assist the HGVs navigate the route? 

Yes, marshals will be deployed at critical junctions where the HGVs have to perform tighter  manoeuvres. 

1.9. Who is the haulier? 

Specialist haulier companies will transport the deliveries from the Port of Boston to our Oulton  compound and then from here to construction sites on the cable route as and when required.   

Any questions regarding the deliveries should be addressed to the Hornsea Three Community inbox or freephone line 0800 158 2354. 

1.10. Are you going to avoid rush hours, and school pick up and drop off times? 

This is the intention and in some key link routes this restriction is bound into the project  Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP). 

All abnormal load movements, including timings, will be finalised and signed off by the Police. 

1.11. What happens if an HGV breaks down? What happens if it breaks down on a single  carriageway? What is the route they will take on local roads through Norfolk? 

In the event of any break down situation, our hauliers shall have suitable maintenance resource  available, to respond in a timely manner. In addition, our hauliers shall also ensure that adequate traffic management resource and  equipment is available to safely manage any situation involving an abnormal load breakdown on the  highway. 

1.12. What is the route the abnormal loads will take on local roads through Norfolk? 

See map - attached image.

1.13. Why have you chosen this route? This route has been identified as the best option as it will avoid weak bridges and will comply with  height and other restrictions.  

1.14. When will the deliveries take place? 

We are planning for the deliveries to be undertaken between 12 February 2024 – December 2024,  however as with all of our activities these dates are subject to change. 

1.15. Could the programme of movements change? 

We have developed a programme that allows some flexibility in the delivery of the abnormal loads.  However, there are some factors which remain outside of our control which may cause delays and  therefore a change in the dates of the programme. These factors include: 

  • Poor weather  

  • Availability of police escorts 

  • Unforeseen road closures (emergency repairs or accidents) 

1.16. How many abnormal loads will be travelling during this time? It is estimated that we will be delivering approximately 10 abnormal loads a week, however this will  not be for the whole duration. There shall be periods of increased activity followed by periods  without any deliveries within the February to December timeframe. 

We have been working alongside our hauliers and Norfolk Police to minimise disruption to the local  communities, and these abnormal loads will therefore travel escorted two at a time. We expect that  you will, therefore, see at most one convoy a day. 

Given the nature of delivery logistics these figures and dates may be subject to change. 

1.17. Why haven't you chosen another (closer) port? 

One of the advantages is that the Port of Boston is an inland port and not subject to heavy swell  which will help secure delivery and offloading of our deliveries.  

Consideration to other ports such as Great Yarmouth and King Lynn were explored. However, Great  Yarmouth is on the sea front and often fights with bad swell and Kings Lynn is restricted by the types  of vessels it accepts and tide times. There are also road restrictions on the routes from Great  Yarmouth and Kings Lynn to our Oulton compound which would limit our ability to make the  deliveries. 

1.18. Why can’t you keep the deliveries at the Port of Boston and then deliver them directly to  the sites? 

There is a storage facility in the Port of Boston where our deliveries will be stored and delivered to  site in a controlled manner through guidance and agreements from movement orders and police  acceptance. 

Keeping the deliveries at our Oulton compound allows us to more logistically manage our equipment  by keeping the deliveries close to our works in a secure zone. 

The HGVs delivering the equipment to the construction sites along the cable route are also unable to  access the cable route as they are too large. 

1.19. Has the route been assessed to ensure that it is suitable for the abnormal loads? 

To determine the route of the abnormal load traffic, we checked the suitability of various routes  against any possible constraints, such as very narrow roads, low bridge heights and weak bridges. 

We then informed all the relevant local organisations of what we assessed to be the route with the  fewest constraints. These organisations included the police, the local councils, the highways  authority, owners of any bridges, and Network Rail. 

In this instance, all the aforementioned organisations agreed that our proposed route would be  suitable for the abnormal load traffic.  

In addition to this, we have been in regular contact with the appropriate departments at Norfolk  Police and Norfolk County Council, and neither organisation has raised any concerns with the  proposed route. 

2. Community Engagement 

2.1. How will you inform us of these movements? 

We have distributed an Advance Works Notice (AWN) to properties near to the abnormal load route  and the Parish Councils that represent the areas which the route travels through. 

Any changes to the timings set out in the AWN will be communicated to your local Parish Council  who will be asked to forward this update onto their constituents. 

2.2. What would happen if there was a change to the route? (if there was an accident for  example) 

The police determine this via a Movement Order process.


A movement order is the process by which HGV hauliers gain permission for transporting deliveries.  During this process the Police are able to adjust the route of the deliveries to ensure the safety road  users. 

2.3. How can I identify the abnormal loads? 

Our deliveries are 50t in weight and 4.5m in diameter and will be accompanied by an escort vehicle.

2.4 Who should I get in contact if I have questions or concerns?

Via the community help line.


T: 0800 158 2354

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